Monday, April 27, 2009

8 years - and counting!

This is a picture of the amazing gift Ms. Bean gave us for our Anniversary tomorrow. She needed to present it a day early, because my Dad is treating us to a GAME 7 - while my Mom babysits tomorrow night! It has been a fast and fun ride, and I am looking forward to many many more!
Tom - my answer still is, and will always be ............... YES!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Overheard from the back seat

Ms. Bean - Leah, Stop acting like the boss of everything
Little Bee - (following pause) I cant be the boss Sarah, I'm a girl.
Ms.Bean - You can be the boss and be a girl Leah.
Little Bee - No. Because girls are Mommy's, and they don't like to work. Only Daddy's are the bosses.

Clearly - I need to watch what I say around the house.